Getting your hair out of your eyes, the planet of love in a sign that loves to optimize. A Venus in Virgo is willing to step up and take one for the team, if it will help things move along more efficiently. Venus in Virgo can often over-do their acts of service and feel guilty when they fall short of excelling. These folks seek to perfect themselves by being useful. Venus struggles in this sign because love is not tit-for-tat, hands wrinkled from washing dishes over and over. Love is messy and Venus in Virgo can feel flustered and irritated learning how to not sweat the small stuff.

A Venus in Virgo holds themselves to a lot of high standards. They value refinement, they prefer to not skip steps and make lazy work... if any stray hairs or stitches are out of is a judgement call on their lovability. On the flip side, they may project these standards onto their partners. Like a fussy cat, they can be picky about who they partner with and easily detect anothers flaws. They have radar for what is not working...they also are sensitive to any “selfish” acts and can often get lost in the weeds of who did what for who, seeking an unrealistic purity around reciprocity.

For these reasons, Venus in Virgo can be hyper-vigilant and never run out of things to complain about. In fact, you find a lot of stand-up comedians with this placement, those who are adept at gracefully picking out the flaws, making something more beautiful by pointing out its nit-picky moving parts.

I find this to be a good placement for hairdressers or seamstresses...the power of making something more aesthetically pleasing by cutting away at excess to get at an essential shape. You also see it a lot in the charts of herbalists. Virgo is an earth sign after-all. A Venus Virgo will tell you what parts of plant are edible and what parts are how the stem and seed could be repurposed and be made useful somewhere else. Venus in Virgo hates to waste anything. In some ways, it’s a signature of a DIY artist, who makes beauty out of whatever they have. It is also an individual who is loyal, showing up to cultivate something day after day, cutting the fat, improving their skills.

The lesson for a Venus Virgo is to recognize ways their high standards can leave them overly disappointed and diminish pleasure. Venus is in its Fall here, because Venus as a planets wants to experience pleasure - yet, in Virgo, it may restrict itself from enjoyment out of some kind of perfectionist fantasy. “I won’t indulge unless its useful”, "Beauty is pain” or “Leisure is wasteful” may be some shadowy mottos. It helps a Venus Virgo to recognize that humans already have a negativity bias, already on the look out for predators and poisonous plants in the primal parts of our brain. To purposely point out what is working and what is good is necessary for our health. The Venus Virgo task is to learn how to let things be messy and move on, to let themselves do B+ work and embody some kind of wabi-sabi, the idea that imperfections are its own style of beauty.