Slow and deliberate, Mars is having to do its impulsive thing in a stolid earth sign. It often manifests as stubborn action - wherein it won’t initiate unless the desired outcome is logical, connected to their values and in many ways, pleasurable. Taurus is a Venus ruled sign after all and wants what feels good and easy. Mars is said to be in its detriment here because this. The slow and steady need for ease can make Mars sleepy here and asserting ones desires may take extra effort. Though, once Mars does find the hutzpah to initiate, it is rather unstoppable, with a lot of staying power and diligence. Think: Lucille Ball, and her unstaunchable stubborn efforts to make it into Hollywood. Simply, the hardest part for Mars in Taurus is getting started. Yet, once it warms up and gets things rolling, it can keep stamina running for a long time. Mars is a gentle lover and protector in this sign. Likewise, Taurus tends to be an epicurean, striving for nice things and so this placement finds motivation when the action is activating the senses. A cool manifestation of this may be dance or soundly felt athletics like chopping wood, drumming or the sound of punching a boxing bag - Muhammad Ali had their Mars in Taurus ! Mars here also loves to defend, like a soccer goalie. It is solid, strong and holds incentive for material security.
Because Mars is a hot planet and Taurus gets easily attached to things - this placement can be a time-bomb for pent up anger. In a Venus-ruled sign, it can easily fall into people pleasing behavior, wanting to keep things simple and peaceful - yet this may build up resentment over a long period of time and cause explosive frustration. It is good for a Mars in Taurus to practice healthy self-assertion, learn how to process aggression and connect their actions to their values.