Imaginative and creative, their libido is inseparable from their subtle moods. Mars is said to be in it’s Fall in Cancer because Mars wants to do its impulsive hip-thrusty thing, but in the sign Cancer, its efforts get stymied by a deep longing for safety. It’s hard to be brave when you want what’s familiar. This rub causes Mars to act on its desires in circuitous way. It is safer to circumambulate a desire, to warm up to its emotional layers and possibilities, moving left of it, right of it, always sideways like a crab - until you’ve grown a sense of trust with it and can be sure it won’t hurt you. In this way, Mars in Cancer is sensitive to rejection, moving gently around any possibility of not being cared for. As you can guess, these folks are slow to get to close to, for a Mars in Cancer, to admit they have needs is uncomfortable - and they can often defend against being emotionally exposed, wearing armor around their deepest feelings.

This can cause a lot of passive aggressive behavior, where they won’t admit straight out what they are feeling in fear of being too needy - because deep down they actually care a lot. They can turn this heat in on themselves and get riled up, especially when an attachment break occurs or they don’t feel held emotionally by another - they can take it personally, brood and boil over in emotional anger and withhold the details of why. When Mars in Cancer is feeling any resentment, its almost impossible for them to express themselves gracefully, any underlying emotional fire may trip them up. Yes, this is the person who cannot ask for a raise $$ from their boss because they are holding back tears. It’s important for a Mars in Cancer to pause on important conversations when their nervous system is flooded. It’s best to wait until you calm down so that asserting yourself isn’t clouded by emotional undertones.

It is also important for Mars in Cancer to learn how to not be vague expressing their needs. Mars in Cancer must see the strength in vulnerability and learn how to express their sensitive side without fearing rejection. This may demand that you learn how to not take things personally - and instead cultivate an internal landing pad of unconditional self-compassion and care. When Mars in Cancer feels safe in themselves, they are able to fight for other people’s safety - valuing above all else: a sense of belonging and protecting bonds.

Mars in Cancer is a cardinal sign, which is a modality that initiates - so even though it’s not happy to be such a softy, it doesn’t lack energy to be effective - its actions are just indirect and sometimes messy, yet when Mars in Cancer does find it’s rhythm, a lot of its energy is explosively creative ! Any Mars in a water sign often starts moving or acting on an instinct before they know where its going. Mars in Cancer follows a hunch and mistake-s its way through to the end goal. In this way, to make this planet thrive, its important you have a certain level of failure tolerance - and be watery enough to hit rocks and weave around them without making it mean anything dramatic. When wielded, Mars in Cancer is a hyper-creative placement, and quite powerful when they are in their zone. Just try getting in the way of a Mars in Cancer when they are passionate and care about what they are doing - often, all the weaving and detours helps them discover unusual creative territory that others miss.