Pluto in Aquarius 👽👽 ! evocative of paul baran’s model of peer-to-peer network topologies - each node is a living human being that needs nourishment and affection <3 we have 20 years to figure this out…

This a new era of deep-reaching humanitarian topics that will prioritize distributed power and community care - after 16 years of pluto in Capricorn, the old system will resist this…will do their best to maintain central points of power and limited privileged, a topology that has *failed us* - a lot will be asked of our collective efforts as we transition this year…and transform the ways we’ve been socialized to see life in hierarchal terms. 

The astrology is so liminal these next three years…and its hard to predict what uncanny edges of technology and science will alter our day to day…or how the profit logic of capitalism will try to control and surveil it 🧬🧪but I want to trust that humanity will find its way, that the future will be based on an assumption that we are wired for cooperation. I hope we can stay open to these exciting possibilities together as we stand in the crossroads 💚