In a Jupiter-ruled sign, this placement exudes optimism and faith, making it open to a wide range of interests. Sagittarius is mutable fire, fire that moves and spreads - and thus Mercury is hungry here to mentally explore, and these people may seem like their “all over the place.” They are often on the search for something beyond the everyday, a higher ideal or bigger picture. Mercury in Sagittarius is devoted to educating themselves on worldly, cultural things. Travelers of the mind, they are symbolic thinkers - seeing things in hieroglyphic metaphors and thus can be great storytellers and comedians - connecting funny images together to help translate a concept.
Mercury in Sagittarius wants to know in order to teach - it explores high-minded ideals, takes them on and spreads it. These folks can be great at pumping people up with all the cool things that they are learning. When they are into a topic, they really get excited and want to convince others of it, to infuse some sense of faith and meaning in this part of life. It’s the classic image of a sermon - storytelling that helps constellate big religious-like ideas. These people have a knack for holding the bigger arch of a timeline into an ultimate truth.
Still, it may take a little more effort for this placement to become its fully articulate self because Mercury is said to struggle in Detriment and Fall in Sagittarius. Mercury as a planet wants to connect intricate dots and sieve through details to make something more clear - while Sagittarius can get lost in a more vague space of lofty uncritical platitudes, often taking on a know-it-all-attitude that prevents them from digging into nuances. Their excitement for the overall hypothetical realm can sometimes blind them to actual details, which is why the opposite of Sagittarius is Gemini. Gemini a sign that pieces all sides of a perspective apart - while Sagittarius will over-exaggerate one visionary side, sometimes so zealous they forget the ways they may be wrong. This may come off as arrogant, or otherwise - Mercury in Sagittarius really experiences life in exuberant ways, and often has urgent prophetic visions about the future - crazy enough to believe in their ideas so much that they actually manifest them. They really exhibit the powers of positive thinking - the task here is to not be dogmatic or get lost in hypocritical morals. An evolved Mercury in Sagittarius knows how to think big and also ground oneself in the difference between faith and reality - which is why Capricorn is the following Sign.