A surprisingly kooky creature, especially for being ruled by such a serious planet: Saturn. And well, Aquarians are serious, serious about saying NO to what everyone’s saying yes to. Sun in Aquarius is a contrarian - often turned off by trends, they define themselves through their ability to think independently and make alternative choices. If everyone is sitting in a room, Aquarius will stand - they just have an impulse to break the spell of established social order. As a fixed air sign - Aquarius is opinionated about their choices, seeing them as a “better way”, always critical about any oppressive (corruptly Saturnian) factors in a social framework. Unlike Capricorn whom is obsessed with the system from inside its earthy, material standpoint, Aquarius is just as obsessed, yet sees the system from outside of it, from an airy conceptual viewpoint, catching the bugs and seeking software updates. Aquarians can feel like outsiders, waiting for the world to catch up to the future with them - a future where power is distributed humanely and everyone is free to be their weirdest, most liberated self.

Aquarians can be both arrogant and friendly - they have stubborn ideals, but their aim overall is to help others wake up - and so this sign is often a good listener. Like an alien coming down to study and liberate life forms, they are always updating their perspective based on a thoughtful birds-eye view of information they gather from others.

Aquarius season is the coldest part of winter. Like Saturn, Aquarius can often be analytical and cold - often seeing things scientifically. The SUN is in DETRIMENT here because the SUN likes warmth, wants to radiate and shine, to stand out and be heroic. Aquarius on the other hand would rather connect to others through ideas and ideals as a collective, and is turned off by ego-related attempts to take credit for anything. This may weaken the vital forces of their SUN. It’s important for Aquarians to get warmth in their life, eat warm food, drink hot tea because their natural disposition is dry and cold, which may tighten the body and cause depression or low energy.

Aquarius values above all else: humanity, and so when they are feeling vital, they can be very freeing to be around. They are often straight shooters, honest and authentic about their human-ness. Likewise, Aquarius is fun because they know that most equal plane for people to connect on is PLAY. When we play with each other, we are human together - laughter is a communal force. Aquarius can be a very social sign, often community organizers, gathering the underdogs.

Yet do not confuse irreverence and playfulness with tenderness (thats for the following sign, Pisces). Aquarius may struggle with the softer, more irrational or emotional parts of life. The baser emotions can feel too overwhelming and messy - which is why they relish in uncomplicated types of love, like friendship. If they are involved in romantic relationships, they first value their partner as a best friend. Friendship means freedom, it helps them enjoy another’s company but not get too enmeshed. Depending on the rest of the chart, this may manifest as difficulty expressing affection - especially when their mind and intellect is such a rich resource for them. Overall, Aquarians are a joy to be around - natural tricksters and awakeners, keeping us on our toes with their fresh perspectives, showing us there’s always a better way.