The Cancer Moon is growing full
Officially December 26 at 4:33pm Pacific at 4º Cancer. 

In the midst of ongoing global distress - we are gifted a tender, sentimental moon. In aspect to both Jupiter and Saturn - a heightened sense of gratitude may arise for whatever blessings are available. This moon may help you indulge in the quieter parts of life that are precious to you or remind you what you care about most.  Yet still, as this lunation grows, Mercury retrograde moves in closer to Mars in Sagittarius  - so don't be alarmed if a cozy fireplace is kindled by heated convos. For some of us, this will be an exciting time where we feel urgency to share stories or inside jokes - for others there may be a bittersweet toggle between comfort and conflict...our mind may feel overstimulated by different perspectives - especially on Dec 27 when this aspect is most intense. 

 Try to pause on any important personal decisions until Mercury begins moving forward Jan 2nd - or even more, Jan 13th when Mercury moves back into Capricorn. January 13th is also the day we gather for the *year ahead planning with profections 2024 workshop, join us ! <<

For now, hold space for the unfinished parts of yourself, take this time to express gratitude for any healing over the past year, and feel into what you're hoping comes next...

If you're seeking more in-depth guidance for how to personally harness the astrological weather of 2024: consider booking a year ahead reading <3

It’s beautiful - the way a slew of people sharing all the same DNA can divert into different universes. How strong teeth can be used to eat cake or bite one’s tongue. Just because we are being dealt a similar hand, doesn’t mean we’ll play the same cards. Celebrate these differences, the pizazz of a genome, the endless odds. When a relative feels like a foreigner far across a table - rejoice in the adventurous leap a protein code has made, upright or inverted - how a spade can look like a mushroom or a shovel.

At any instance, all year round - anyone could give you hints about how to give them the perfect gift. A subtle comment on how cold their feet are (socks), how much they love birds (binoculars) or hate being lonely (sex toy). To catch the actual things people want, takes the good n' sneaky skill of paying attention. Doing this makes actual gift giving obsolete, your attentiveness is the most valuable resource to others - generosity is vibrational - a gesture that says I see you, you are real and I am listening.

Just because you have a great voice, doesn’t mean you gotta sing all the time. Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean it’s good for you. In many ways, what we become skilled in is a manifestation of how we were once hurt - a comedian who kept the family above water, a boxer who was bullied, or a business owner who raised their siblings…strange unconscious mechanisms help us protect our softest sides. How might you celebrate the special skills you have and also honor what had to be neglected in order to be the best.

We are all frantic to find a trade, pave a street and make a living - but often we focus on career and not impact - often we learn the dance steps instead of getting groovy with the soul. Somewhere in the world, a car mechanic is happier than the Queen, who sits all day as a concept - whose nails are so clean. Let it be known - status is a trap. Nothing gives you more respect than serving the world your guts on a platter, heaping with your passionate, unstaunchable mess -  the only thing on the menu that's worth it for the world.

The safer we feel with other people, the more confidence we have to go off alone without them. If this was not taught to you growing up, no biggy - it is possible to build this landing pad, now. Its layers are stacked slowly over time after hundreds of shoulder rubs and walks in the woods and bad hints and hold ups - slowly you build a language around how to get your needs met and it's often less complicated than you think: Missing somebody? Call them. Have questions? Ask. Wanna be understood? Explain yourself. Love someone? Tell them.

Not everyone can be your running buddy, or up to speed with your taste in music. Not all homies are ready to split the bill or cover the tab of all your needs, and that’s okay. There should always be a part of the day where no one is allowed to enter. A part of the day you’ve built a hedge around the things that you like taking care of for yourself. Dare to dig deep into your private rituals, without fear of isolation- knowing that a nest can be built next to good grounds, a community you can swoop into. 

Some research goes nowhere - some research we don’t even consciously know we are doing or what its for, in the same way we are compelled towards a craving for cottage cheese or wanting a back rub. Egyptians saw humans as having 360 senses, not five. Whenever someone I love loses their way or leans too far into the ditches of self doubt, I pray that they are struck with an old memory -  a memory of belonging and the ways in which we can research an emotion surging and passing and becoming something else along the timeline - a memory that opens them up 360.

Being in the right place at the right time can feel like help from a deity or a force beyond ourselves. But other times, you are the supernatural thrust - you are the one moving energy around, pushing the elevator button, setting the timer or dialing the phone. Sometimes you are the power that you pray out loud to. You spinning in the right time and right place, you centered in the middle of a wheel...which is a metaphor for your heart. Be the one feeding the center, decide what you're allowing yourself to open up to and put into motion.

Relationships are constantly changing, constantly in flux and often our minds hate it. The story of stability that we hope is linear, is actually fluid. In order to survive this breathing ever moving organism of *us* -- we must be devoted to each other's change, to keep moving eggs around in the basket, to play with all the levels of love - wherein impermanence is the most intimate. Friend, nature, book, pet, piano, life partner or fling. Indulge in the closeness of inside jokes and all the other kinds of laughter.

If you won the lottery right now, you wouldn’t buy a boat or expensive shoes, or lose your mind at the casino. At least not this round - no no, what matters most is investing in felt experiences - of puffing slutty perfume or tasting food as your ears pop when the train exits a tunnel. Life is short and you want to embody its lessons, to learn about a plant by rubbing it between your fingers. Choose an adventure and let yourself indulge - there’s not a more valid way to use your time and resources - at least not this round.

Trust takes time, takes sitting in a burning house together - takes not avoiding life when things start to suck. What would be an easy breaking away or a running from the fires of discomfort, is an alchemical container, the heat of disagreement and all the ways we are so ugly to each other cooks down into a nourishing soup. Consider the tender ways your vulnerability in relationships helps process the wildest, hidden parts of yourself - these parts you're still learning to trust. 

Not much to say that Adrienne Rich hasn't: “Desire: yes: the sudden knowledge, like coming out of the flu, that the body is sexual. walking in the streets with that knowledge. that evening in the plane from Pittsburgh, fantasizing going to meet you. walking through the airport blazing the energy and joy. but knowing all along that you were not the source of that energy and joy; you were a man, a stranger, a name, a voice on the telephone, a friend; this desire was mine, this energy my energy; it could be used a hundred ways, and going to meet you could be one of them.”


