Mars and Venus are currently facing the magnitude of Pluto in Aquarius. Mars and Venus have been together with Pluto many times in our lives - yet never in the sign Aquarius! Thus, new important long-term themes are most likely revealing themselves right now, collectively and personally. We are also experiencing a lot of air sign activity - things might feel busy, especially in your mind. Try to ground yourself and listen for any insights from the weirdest side of the zodiac. 

This is also a week where a lot of relationship themes are at play. Venus is a planet that represents what you find pleasurable, and Mars represents the style of getting what you want. Both erotic in nature, together these planets create a ton of magnetism and sometimes, tension. If Venus is attracted to something, Mars asks for it. If Venus is repulsed by something, Mars defends against it. These two rev-up our desire nature and have a lot of creative power for asserting ones personal preferences.

As they cross over Pluto's threshold, you may feel a compulsion or yearning to fulfill a unique craving. Our interpersonal relationships may get an extra dose of potency - and because Aquarius is a humanitarian sign, a lot of mojo may be funneled into collective efforts for social change. Sometimes, the hunger and angst of this combo can come off as pushy or confrontational - yet, overall it may help you conjure the grit to clarify a future prospect.

As the week goes on, the cosmic lovers Mars + Venus get closer and closer until they kiss on FEB 21.  This happens about every two years, yet their rendezvous next week holds extra significance because in July-August of 2023, Venus was trying to smooch Mars in the opposite sign Leo....but went retrograde and missed the opportunity for union.  

Thus, whatever passionate, fiery themes that you were trying to grasp over the summer may finally catch up to the truth of the matter. Because Aquarius is a more cool, objective sign than Leo - it's as if the dramatic, wistful summer fling pulls the camera back to examine whether the film set is sustainable. Aquarius prefers above all else, the uncomplicated (and goofy) foundation of friendship. How might we be devoted, loyal and romantically obsessed while also maintaining our calm individuality and personal space ? If the tone of mutual freedom is not at the root of your connections, prepare for an honest attempt to adjust.


