Pluto is in Aquarius ! An era defining shift...where each node (above) is a living human being that has skills and needs nourishment <3 we have 20 years to figure this out…

This is a social change that values deep-reaching humanitarian topics, that will prioritize distributed power and community care. Yet, after 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn, the old system will resist this…will do their best to maintain central points of power and limited privileged, a topology that has *failed us* - a lot will be asked of our collective efforts as we transition these next few years…and transform the ways we’ve been socialized to see life in hierarchal terms. 

You may have felt this shift begin over the weekend (Jan 20) in your own chart - a relief of pressure from the Capricorn parts of your life and new potent urges from your Aquarian qualities. 

Last time Pluto was in this freedom-seeking air sign was 1778-1798, a timespan where a lot of political and economic shifts in power ensued: The American Revolution, Haitian Revolution, French Revolution, The Industrial Revolution, creation of the US flag and Declaration of Independence. Plus innovations like the smallpox vaccine, the discovery of the planet Uranus and more...

If you're not sure what Pluto in Aquarius means for you personally - think back to March 23-June 11, 2023 of last year when Pluto made a brief visit. New themes may have presented themselves. Now with Pluto trying to officially settle into Aquarius (it will dip back into Capricorn one last time Sept-Nov) those topics will continue to deepen and transmute certain areas of your life for the next 20 years.
Check your rising sign for themes:

ARIES: Friends + Community + Audience
TAURUS: Career + Public Life + Legacy
GEMINI: School + Teaching + Travel
CANCER: Joint Resources + Ancestral Healing + Collaborations
LEO: Relationships + Intimacy + Clients
VIRGO: Routines + Health + Daily Work 
LIBRA: Creative Expression + Leisure + Children
SCORPIO: Family + Home + Land
SAGITTARIUS: School + Siblings + Communication Style
CAPRICORN: Money + Values + Self-Worth
AQUARIUS: Presentation of Self + Appearance + Body
PISCES: Healing Fears + Enhancing Intuition + Dreamwork

For the world...
When Pluto dipped a toe into Aquarius last year, controversies around ChatGPT and fears around AI surfaced...

Aquarius is an innovative, future oriented sign and with Pluto there, breakthroughs in science and technology will be supercharged. This is very exciting for advancements in medicine or the discovery of alien-friends, but obviously something to be careful about...

 Joshua Schrei likens the capabilities of AI to the powers of a magician or yogi. Yet, for a magician, the ability to get what they want at the snap of a finger is a skill thats cultivated over many humble years (lifetimes) of ethical trial-and-error training. The argument here is that the AI industry is seeking the same powers as a sorcerer, but without the essentials of initiation. In this way, my hope is that we don't move too fast, that we learn to thoughtfully integrate new technologies in sustainable, humane, conscious ways - that we wield these powers wisely.  

There may be hints to many Pluto-themes this February - when a slew of planets tumble through the sign Aquarius. Also pay attention to when Jupiter enters Gemini this year May 25th to early June, it will immediately be in aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, amplifying its message. 

For me, I suspect *sisterbride* will slowly dissolve into another name and engage more in collective astro-explorations, especially with my dear clown-friends at Planets, Planets, Planets, but who knows ! The astrology is so liminal right's hard to predict what uncanny edges of technology and science will alter our day to day…or how the profit-logic of capitalism will try to control and surveil it. But, I want to trust that humanity will find its way, that the future will be based on an assumption that we are wired for cooperation. I hope we can advocate for these possibilities together as we stand in the crossroads. 


