sisterbride astrology

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The Pisces New Moon is almost here. 
Officially March 10th at 1:00am Pacific • 20º Pisces 

This is a the last lunation before the portal of eclipse season opens on March 25-April 8, and you may already be feeling the door cracked. Eclipses are two weeks where life feels sped up and chaotic. Eclipse glasses look like 3D ones for a reason, all of a sudden life pops out at you, usually through events or realizations, forced decisions are made and many ending and beginnings ensue...

Take this Pisces new moon to charge your battery for the energies ahead. With Mercury entering quick-thinking Aries and Mars impulsively colliding with Uranus, new possibilities may spark inspiration or clear a creative block - we may see the vague shapes and colors of a future dream and have just enough whimsy to jump in and get started, before defining the logistics of how.

When Angela Davis was asked, is the struggle endless ? she replied:
"As our struggles mature, they produce new ideas, new issues and new terrains on which we engage in the quest for freedom...we must be willing to embrace the long walk towards freedom..."

Pisces doesn't exactly win by setting goals, they move with the vibe, one ambiguous stirring of the soul at a time. With this more non-linear approach, you may feel compelled to act first and ask for forgiveness later...keeping the longer walk in mind. Trust that the tangible results will take shape as you follow the thread of your hunches - one new idea, new terrain at a time. 

The most optimistic people in the world are pessimists. Pessimists are so cynical because deep down they know there should be something better, deep down they are an optimist. When I read speculative fiction about utopian possibilities, a future where everyone has the freedom to a good life - my heart breaks a little. A beautiful vision exposes the ways society fall short of it. I see you as the rabble rouser to help uplift these slumps, to fill in the gaps that we have yet to live up to, to be our holy pessimistic optimist. 

In the miasma of social media mimicry and oversaturated industries, water color bleeding into other watercolor tropes - its important you pull back and remember what you actually want to say to the world. Remember you don’t have to do it in the way it's been proven to work for others, asleep at the wheel, driving or scrolling off the cliff. Lay on the horn of new methods, new maps are ready to be proven to work, or anti-work, for success doesn't always have a destination point. 

When we commit to something - a sacrifice somewhere else in our life is made. Whether that's committing to a relationship and sacrificing vulnerability. Committing to a job and sacrificing mornings, or committing to a new version of yourself and sacrificing your closet to a thrift shop. There may be a desire that is big enough to risk taking a sacrifice for, despite its dangers, despite not all parts of your self-perception fitting through its threshold. With every yes is a *no* to that which you might not realize is outdated. 

The open-office concept is such a weird scam - a money saving smash of shared desks, no internal walls. Supposedly their main purpose is to inspire communication between employees and drive ADHD-ers nuts. Constant co-worker hum drum is not productive for everyone, and so take this as a you discover important collaborations, you must also learn where your walls are, where privacy serves your own process and when it does not. How might you set yourself up to stay focused in a garden that cross-pollinates ?

The home is a living altar - and the way you set it up, clean it, diffuse it with music or smells, is an invitation for local spirits to come through. The house cat knows how to spot it best. You open the curtain just a little more and the plant finds it, too. A spider eats a gnat and blesses all your meals as the rain starts up outside. The earth is holding you and the earth says I want you here. Honor the magic hours of your home and all the visible and non-visible roommates.

In many traditions, to work with a deity, one must become it, and raise themselves to the shapes and forms of its vibration. If you want to be love - become Venus. If I want to be sneaky, become Coyote. If you want justice, hold the sword of Themis or go big and be a bolt of lightning....see through the eyes of Jesus or start a staring contest like Hecate. As Hermes says: for like is known by like. Visualize now, the physical shape of what liberation means to you and let your body bend and lurch to match its form.

Ask around and everyone will give you different advice - everyone will float somewhere on the spectrum of truth, and somewhere in the cracks of the crack - another truth, only there do you circle up with each other and laugh. Only there you will rest, if only for a moment. Let a part of you spin in the center as you listen to friends conjuring, yearning, grasping at smoke until you find the sliver of light, the fragment of your own strong opinion. 

At some hour, on a personal or global level, everyone cries at the sun disappearing past the trees. At some point, at the end of a tired day - all you have left is to be at peace with the world still spinning. Do your best and call out injustices, oppression, advocate for those who cannot and also, end each day accepting what is. It is far more generative to take action from peace in your heart, rather than despondency or hatred. It is possible for a heart to be broken and also at peace with itself. 

Love is real - and so is my melting face, so is my heart leaning left now morphing into brains. Love is a co-generating loop. We become ourselves by being around others who enable ourself-ness. A friend, a lover, a family member who sees our core, is lit up by our potential and gives this *space* to swirl. As Tomas Tranströmer says: "Two truths approach each other. One comes from inside, the other from outside, and where they meet we have a chance to catch sight of ourselves."

It had dawned on me recently - that I am the only one in my family, even extended family - who is not married. I am not sure why that karma was not passed down to me or why that milestone is the last thing on my mind. I suspect it has something to do with being an extra-terrestrial. Consider this for yourself, the little ways you will not follow familial karma, from the way you eat, play or treat money - any territory of life is an opportunity to spread new seeds and bloom elsewhere. 

Walk under a cluster of clouds and replicate them on a park bench, a patch of dirt, a cement corner - decide this is where you'll get lost, this is where you'll float. Confusion is just another word for *creative potential* or "an order that is not yet understood." The Milky Way was walked under for millions of years until it was understood as a celestial mirror of the Nile River. In time, some force of co-becoming built sophisticated canals. In time people learned to swim.  

Like waiting to catch a fish, a lot of decision making demands we sit patiently. Noticing the subtle tug of an “ah ha” of how we really feel, what we really want. Other times, a louder necessity bites at our tongue, yalps out the next move. Or perhaps it doesn’t come to you in words, perhaps you watch your body under its own agency, cross a room and turn off a light. Let yourself catch your own bait, even little crumbs of insight will do - accept the truth of how you really feel and slowly wriggle free from indecisive waters.